Masturbation is a sin?
Masturbation is the act whereby a person satisfies his/her sexdrive by handling his/her own genital organs.
Christians ask: is masturbation a sin? It leaves a person who did it with a terrible sense of guilt. Some fear that it will ultimately lead to physical disability or disease, while others see it as a proof of sexual perversion and that it will harm future marriage relationships, or that God won't love them any more.
The Bible gives us no direct answer to the question. It does not even mention masturbation. But we can deduct from Scripture principles that masturbation is an unnatural sexual practice. It is not according to the purpose of God who gave sex as a gift to be used between a man and his lawful wife, within the marriage bond only. Any other deliberate sexual act, where true love is not the main driving force, is unnatural.
The Christian must always ask: What is God's purpose with my life? What is His purpose with the sex-drive which is one of the strongest in any human being? If someone misses God's purpose with his/her life, he sins. The original Greek word for sin, "hamartia" means to aim at a target and completely miss it.
From this description of sin we can deduct the fact that masturbation misses the mark of God's purpose with sex.
But don't see the sex-drive as sin. God made you that way. The sin comes in when we abuse it. And if you fight sin, God always is on your side.
So you, as a child of God, must rely on the power of the Holy Spirit in you to practise self-control in this as well. If you read Galatians 5:22-23 you hear these words: "But the Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self-control. There is no law against such things as these." He will help you.
Don't feed your mind with sexual thoughts. Exercise a lot and get rid of excessive energy by working hard.
It is very important to adopt a positive attitude to this problem. Don't fret about it. If you committed this unnatural act, claim 1 John 1:9 as God's promise for you - not only to forgive you, but to cleanse your heart. Don't despair, keep on trusting that with God's help, you will be victorious. God bless you!
Don't feel guilty. And don't do nothing about it. Ask God's forgiveness and overcoming power, and by trusting Him fight the battle every time when you are tempted. And never think that God will forsake His child in the midst of the battle. If you fall again, fall on your knees and keep on praying and believing that the God of love is also your strength. Say with Paul: "I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me" - (Philippians 4:13, Good News Translation).
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