Was Jesus born on the 25th of December?
We do not know on which date Jesus was born. At the time of his birth the date of a person's birth was not considered important, and therefore nobody made a note of it. The important thing was that Jesus was born to save us from our sins (Mathew 1:21).
In Europe the Romans had a festival on the 25th of December which they called "The festival of the coming of the light." The first Christians therefore decided to celebrate the coming of Christ on that date, because Jesus is the Light of the world (John 8:12). They therefore turned the non-Christian feast into a Christian one. Unfortunately we find nowadays that this process has been reversed, and very few "Christmas" decorations and programs remind us of the coming of Jesus Christ, the Light of the world.
Perhaps it would be good if you should take the initiative to "put Christ back into Christmas". The word Christmas literally means: Festival of Christ!
MATHEW.17:25-27->Say that, Jesus Christ give the tax.
PHILIPPIANS.1:13-18->Paul say about, GOSPAL.He was very happy then,any way preaching the Gospal.so do not discourage the Christmas days.
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