Why did God send His Son into this world?
Read John 3:16. When Adam and Eve, the first people, fell into sin they brought death and calamity to all of mankind (Genesis 3). In other words, every person born after them was born a sinner, or is born a sinner (see Psalm 51:5, Good News Bible). The guilt of mankind had to be paid. There was only one way: a perfect being without sin had to die to save man. An angel could not do it because angels are not human beings. There was no man or woman who could do it because everybody was defiled by sin.
So God decided in a mysterious way that the Son, the Third Person in the Trinity, should come and be born through a virgin by a miracle of the Holy Spirit. He became a man just like us. The only difference was that he had no sin and never sinned. As perfect man he volunteered to pay the debt of the sins of mankind by becoming a Sacrifice, where He shed his blood. That blood paid the debt of our sins.
Now if you accept Him as your Saviour, you are for ever saved and will go to heaven. But those who reject him, will have to pay the debt of their sins themselves in the pool of fire for ever and ever. (Revelation 21:8). What a ghastly future!
God accepted Jesus' sacrifice when He raised Him from the dead. He is in glory now, but will come again to judge the wicked and to take all believers to Him in the places seen by John in Revelation 21 - 22.
Have you experienced God's forgiveness yet? The way is open -- come as you are. He will not send you away empty-handed (John 6:37). Accept the forgiveness Christ has earned for you, and go forward with joy and peace. Talk to a Christian if you need some further guidance.
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